Manually loaded automatic coil bending machine used for contemporary bending of 2 finned coils and head exchangers. Equipped with a mobile table and a special clamping system, it is possible to make a large number of bends. All the machine’s movements are totally electric and guarantee a very silent machine with delicate movements and precise bending angles.
The absolue parallelism between the roll and the table, allows to bend up to 3 coils simultaneously with fins thikness 12/100 mm.
Technical characteristics
Multi-row coil height: 2500 mm
Length: 3000 mm standard, others on request
Minimum straight length: 80 mm
Bend capacity: 175 mm block internal diameter
Bend thickness: depending on the diameter of the bend
Bend angle: max 110°
No. of finned blocks: 4
Electric bending – Electric positioning – Controls on Win® with industrial PC
Installed power: 25 Kw